Music corner: Five minutes of transformative bliss with Van Morrison
A new occasional feature of “Words for the Wise” — music that sends us way out there, exactly where we don’t know, and probably never will.
I’ve been a major Van Morrison fan all my adult life, but even after all these years he never ceases to surprise me by his ability to produce transformative music and performances. This has got to be one of his greatest, but who’s to know? They are all great.
I’ve only seen two live Van Morrison performances, one at the old Keystone in Berkeley CA in the early 1970s (no longer there) and then perhaps 15 years ago at the Olympia in Paris. I cannot now recall the song, but at one point during the latter concert I began to levitate out of my seat. You may not believe me, but every Van Morrison fan I have talked to about that experience does.
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Please feel free to comment on your own Van Morrison experiences…
Saw him at the old Filmore East. He always put on a good show.