Best source I know of to keep up with the origins issue: https://usrtk.org/biohazards/origin-of-sars-cov-2-gain-of-function-readings/. (I will write to you privately on another subject, if I can find an address.)

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Thanks for reminding me of the link with UNC. According to https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Holden_Thorp Thorp has extraordinarily deep links with UNC:

1. 1986: graduated from UNC.

2. 1993: Returned to UNC to teach.

3. 1999: appointed full UNC professor.

4. 2001: became director of Morehead Planetarium, part of UNC.

5. 2005: named a Kenan Professor and chair of the chemistry department of the College of Arts and Science (UNC).

6. 2008: became chancellor of UNC.

7. Announced his intention to resign as Chancellor effective from June 30, 2013, and to return to teaching in the Chemistry Department at UNC, following a scandal involving the NCAA (National Collegiate Athletic Association) (?)

8. Announced his decision to leave UNC on July 1, 2013.

Does this create the potential for the perception of conflict of interest in his editorial? If so, I cannot see that it was declared.

I submitted a letter and then another (as a potential e-letter) in response to his editorial; neither was published (see https://globalchangemusings.blogspot.com/2022/04/self-inflicted-wounds-responding-to.html)

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