Great write up although don't see much difference between republican/ democrat...

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If SARS-CoV-2 originated in an *accidental* lab leak from the Wuhan Institute of Virology, why the Fauci-Farrar cover-up? Why the involvement of the global scientific establishment? To hide Chinese *mistakes*? Can’t be explained without #Event201 #Plandemic #biowar

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A lot of the research at WIV was paid for with US funds, and it was not being properly monitored--WIV has now lost its NIH funding for refusal to divulge what it actually did with the money! So that makes Fauci et al potentially responsible, at least in part, for the pandemic, if it was the result of US-funded lab research.

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What capabilities could China have that allow them to complete mouse models that quickly? To me they either skipped the models or they had the sequence. I can’t rule out the first, but given their interest in coronavirae, I’d bet the latter

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